Nikonians goes private

Nikonians have decided to deactivate all basic level membership after a short trial period, and try to force users to pay $25 a year for access. This essentially turns them into a private club.

Whilst they have been an invaluable community, I feel they have shot themselves in the foot with this. I can see the business angle for them in terms of financial trouble (they argue they have high costs, which apparently includes a number of salaried staff and of course they have to pay for all the services they offer outside of the forums), however the life-blood of the community is the forums. Forums can be run for comparatively peanuts as the majority of the Internet has shown, but Nikonians’ high costs has persueded them that the only option is to charge the entire community for access.

Problem is the majority of the community doesn’t like being told to “pay up, or go”.

Still, Nikonians have gone ahead with their plan, and I can see they’ve looked at the figures and probably estimated they can still make money if only a small percentage remain and pay up. Problem is the contributions to the community (i.e. the forums) dries up. It becomes far less valuable as a result.

Whilst I don’t mind donating some money if I feel I’m getting value, being forced to pay doesn’t encourage me to stay. More so when I only use the forums anyway (and I’m mostly just a lurker). It’s not about the affordability though. Sure, $25 isn’t that much, but no one pays $25 or even $1 for a forum on the Internet! And despite their claims, there are plenty of other Nikon community resources out there on the Internet, just as valuable.

Anyway, they’ve made their decision, and I hope them all the best with their club. I’m not really interested in a private club and can’t really promote them any more I feel. A shame, but there you go.

I can suggest an alternative though. Try out Nikon Cafe 🙂

Photographers Rights

Another incident on photographers rights.

Was in Whistler recently and happened to come across Gordon Ramsey filming a piece to camera on the street about a local restaurant. Not many people about and tucked away out of shot I decided to get the camera out for a snap.

The instant I did, one of the crew comes rushing over shouting about no photos.

Thing is, this was a public place. Now I know in Britain I’d be well within my rights and they have no leg to stand on, no matter how much they protest. I’m not so sure of the rights in Canada and public places. However the TV and movie industry is very protective and can get heavy handed. Rather than risk a scuffle with the crew and potentially having my camera nicked or smashed, I reluctantly put the camera away.

Nearly got a shot off but the lens was set on manual and I didn’t focus it in time. Thing is though, I would just be doing a snap for pure “ooo look, Gordon Ramsey!” purposes and maybe shove that on Flickr or whatever. Not for profit. Not that it should make a difference. Public place, my photo, I can do what I like with it. Surely?

Anyway, the crew guy spouted something about it being hush-hush and some new show. Well, he didn’t demand my silence so I’m free to blog about it of course :-). More than that, I didn’t get asked for a release when I walked off down the street, quite possibly in shot in the background!


Messing about in the kitchen. My attempts at Pilau Rice and Sushi.

Pilau Rice, based on Delia’s excellent recipe. Not quite the same (or as perfect as Delia’s!), but then I’m quite impressed by the flavour. Great way of doing rice and so much better than the microwave supermarket stuff (microwave curry can sometimes work out okay if it’s a good one, but not the rice). Not soggy, kind of steamed and part fried. Great with the onion and spices mixed in. Delia’s is more fluffy, but I’ll work on that :-).
Pilau Rice

Surprisingly not as hard to make once you have the bits to make it, although the art is in the rolling. This is a basic attempt and managed to get the stuff to stay in the roll. Important to use the right rice though and stuff like the Mirin, Rice Wine Vinegar, and of course Nori for rolling (and a rolling mat). Most of this now easily available in the supermarket. As for the fish, nothing too adventurous here, just smoked salmon and prawns.


Finally getting round to sorting through photos I took in August! Some from Kew Gardens.

Kew Gardens
Copyright Tim Moore, All Rights Reserved

Playing around a bit with an IR filter on my Nikon (physical filter that is, not a "faux IR" job. Though there’s some post processing done in Capture NX to adjust from the raw ‘red’ the image comes out as. Mostly setting the white and neutral points).

Kew Gardens
Copyright Tim Moore, All Rights Reserved

Squirrel keeping an eye on me.

Kew Gardens
Copyright Tim Moore, All Rights Reserved

One of the new buildings. I forget what it’s called.